Friday, March 4, 2011

Meet me at "Come And CELEBRATE The Good Day God Has Given Us" Coffee Shop

I am big fan of celebrations. I enjoy finding a reason to celebrate. My dear, baby brother Galen told me on his birthday this year that I enjoy his birthday more than he does. I quite agree.
Today was cause for celebration for one main reason- I have lived in Ghana for a month now and so far, I have been healthy (huge blessing), very happy and managed to find a few husbands... just in case my knight in shining armor gets bucked off his gallant white steed.

I have very much enjoyed my time in Tamale and really like this city. The people here are great. I think I have figured my way around and know where things are, which is a classic Gary Mills move, whenever I go to a new place. However getting myself oriented here has been a little more challenging. There are no street signs or and method to how these cities are set up. However, Tamale is predominantly Muslim so I always know which way is east.

We moved from the Schaefer’s today to Tamale Inter Cross Cultural Studies or something… everybody just calls it “Ticks.” People who do research and study in this area stay here, and it’s nice for being so inexpensive. The grounds are beautiful. There is a massive banyan tree in the center or the establishment. That thing is quite a marvel! We arrived early this afternoon and checked in. I have my own room… awesome. I wanted to go exploring some more so I retraced my way back to downtown… and that’s when I ran into Abraham who is STILL in Tamale!! It was so wonderful to meet a good friend on the street.

On a sad note, he had just found out that there has been fighting in a town southwest of Tamale called Buipe. I got the extended version from Abraham, which was fascinating because it has everything to do with tribal politics, traditions and chieftaincy of which I know nothing about.
Here’s what went down (brace yourself. This is a lot of Ghana comin’ at ya): Since his appointment, Bad Chief let the power go to his head, did a lot of stupid things, then freaked out, does all the traditional things like leaves his shoes, throne and walking stick and flees that symbolize a chief is no longer a chief and consequently got the boot from the Chief Board of Directors. The King of the Gonja tribe-which is Abraham’s tribe- appointed a replacement chief. Bad Chief, who used to be really good friends with the Gonja King, gets mad about this and takes him to court! In Ghana, the national government and tribal politics are kept separate, so this was a no no in tribal affairs. To make matters worse, the courts ruled in favor of Bad Chief and “re-instated” him even though the entire cross-tribal community recognizes the new Good Chief as the chief in Buipe.
Just his afternoon, Bad Chief ordered all the people to close down their businesses and participate in the festival he was throwing for himself. The people said refused because you just don’t ask that of people here, so he shot them. I’m telling you- the guy is nuts. It really shook up people up today because soldiers were being sent out and roads were closed to travel, which is way Abraham couldn’t leave. Not good. I’m not sure how many people were killed or injured, but when I talked to Abraham this evening, things have settled down.
I am not at all in danger, and we’re headed even farther from it tomorrow. It’s just sad things like this happen, and I was sad for the Young’s because they have Ghanaian friends who were involved in this today.

On a lighter note, I would like to inform you of an observation I have made since being in Ghana. The names of businesses here are hilarious. They are names like “Life is Beautiful Bike Shop” or “His Time Is The Best Time Book Store” or “Try My Fingers God Saves Beauty Salon.” They usually have a religious connotation to it and are as lame and straight-forward as all get out, or they just don’t make sense. No offense, Ghana.
My thought today as I was cracking up at these business names was what if some clever, super churchy Americans who come up with Christian coffee shops names like “He Brews”,” Higher Grounds” or “Jehovah Java” and Ghanaians got together, you have names like, “God Really, Really Loves You a Latte Coffee House” or “Come And Have A Cup of Joe With Jesus Christ.”  
I’m uncomfortable just thinking about the possibilities because someone is going to think this is a good idea. I’d be tempted to head over to King David’s Drinking Bar instead! That’s for real by the way. It was across the street from where we ate tonight!
I hope you get the title of this now;)
Mom- you wouldn’t believe how many peppers and onions I have been eating since I have been here! I hardly recognize own eating habits!

I am exhausted from my day out on the town, and judging from the mirror I just looked in, we’re going to need some serious beauty rest tonight.

Fun Fact: My bathroom is one TINY room, so technically I could sit on the toilet while taking a shower and washing my hands (I might try it just for fun) and the top of the door frame hits my eyebrows.

Oh yes- this is for all my aunties and anyone else interested:
Sending care packages is a shot in the dark. Dr. Morris and I are running an experiment now with some stuff he wants to give the OR boys,, and it has been about 11 days I think, which may be normal?? Assuming that it gets here, it wouldn’t at all be surprising if it has been tampered with.  SO… if you must,  send your box of joy that I may never see to:
Saboba Medical Centre
PO Box 29
Saboba, Northern Region, Ghana
Zip Codes? I don’t know. That’s all I have written down so you might have to mark that it’s for the Young’s or me… I don’t know! I have no idea how any of this works. I’ll let you know what Dr. Nick’s address says if/when it arrives. Sorry I am not more help. I really appreciate you wanting to do this though!J  

Much love to you all!

1 comment:

  1. love your posts nikki! just catching up on them after a long week! keep working hard! be encouraged today because his grace is sufficient for you! love you tons!
