Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Bacon Booty

Operation Eyebrow Clean Up complete. They are nice and clean and they look so happy. I love plucking my eyebrows. It is like people who like to pick scabs and they, I, just like picking things, I had just finished this tweezing process when Kristi walked into the room saying how bad her eyebrows were. It was too good to be true. I threw her in the special chair, grabbed my tweezers and we went to work. She has very good brows so only minor clean up was needed, just in case you were wondering.
Today was the kind of day that needed a brainless, yet amusing task such as eyebrow tweezing to do before bed to unwind. Dr. Jean had meetings today, and put Kristi and Richy Rich on duty for rounds. Holy Mole what a process that is! I obviously am not the medical student here, but I do know a few things, so I rounded with Kristi and felt we made a very good team. I am so enjoying my times in the lab because I know what I am doing there, but I find it so much more fulfilling to be able to know your patient and be invested in every detail of their well-being. It gets so much more personal and I like it. A lot.
We have a lady in the female ward with a hemoglobin of 4.2, which is ghastly low, and she is in dire need of blood. However, we do not have a blood bank here. This was one of the days where what I would call “necessities” were simply not available. When someone needs blood, their family member or members are tested with the great hope there is a match. If there is, they only have to pay 22 Ghana cedis. If there is no match, like the case of this woman, all you can do is wait until they find a donor and pray it is not too late. When they donor comes, the family pays that individual and they hospital, I believe. It is hard to watch things like that and not be able to do anything. I’m really hoping my A+ will come in handy someday!  
No surgeries today because of meetings but tomorrow, we have some good ones lined up.
Also, I nearly got blown to Togo today by a windstorm. There was a small picture captured of me holding onto a tree for dear life.
I got to talk to my dad today! He started telling me about… I can hardly say it… a special cut of beef he was making for dinner. I never even got the full story because I just had to stop him. I cannot hear things like this. It will send me spiraling into crazy, and that is not a place I would like to be right now anymore than I already am. My flip book my awesome friend Hannah made me for my trip has remained on week 6 instead of 7 because she had the foresight to put Taco John’s food pictures on it in honor of our midnight meals! She nearly did me in!!
My friend Abraham from Damongo called me today as well. I was so delighted to hear from him. I do NOT miss the rat room but I do miss seeing him and the kids. I am really going to make my best effort to see him and Zee again before I leave.
Kristi made me cry I was laughing so hard with all her stories tonight. She was telling me a few of her many stories of interesting patients she has had. One of which, was not exceptionally bright, and she I had the nerve to take advantage of the poor guy. I would never do such a thing…;) She was looking in his ear and very casually said the light was going through and if he could please cover up his other ear. So he did. I am SO using that one!!
The best one  was about the hillbilly from the Ozarks that came in with a “sliver” in his toe, silver being a pellet from his own pellet gun. He said he had already put salami on it but it still did not come out. Wait WHAT? Yep salami. Apparently bacon is where it is at but he had run out of that. What you do is you wrap that sucker in bacon and it’ll pop right out! Works every time.  He came up with this fail-safe option when he got shot in the butt with a pellet once and that piece of bacon on his booty made that pellet jump right out the side of his cheek.
Noted. Dually noted.  
She also worked on my back tonight. Hallelujah! There is the advantage of a DO over an MD! I am so unbelievably out and so grateful. This is going to be quite the process, considering my pelvis is trying to turn itself upside down and sideways. This is more for my mom as opposed to say, everyone else. Requesting full body massage when I get back!
So, I think we are going to call it a day. A really good day. I will have more stories for you tomorrow. Keep that fridge stocked with bacon!
Oh my gosh that sounds so good right now…..

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