Monday, March 14, 2011

"Davy, Davy Crockit!"

Some of my fondest childhood memories were times with my brothers and the Boardman boys, my other brothers, out on their farm, more specifically, the tack shed. Deeply inspired by “Davy , Davy Crockit, King of the Wild Frontier”, we would play for hours out in that one-roomed little shed. There were enough saddles for all the cowboys and some of the Indians. It would appear the saddles never moved from their rested position, but actually, they went miles on the back of a buckskin through rivers, forests and old west towns. Some of us had pistols, others had rifles, and some of us had cap guns. I am not really sure what about Davy Crockit fascinated us so much… there were so many things. Riding through the brushy green of Northern Ghana today on our way to Tamale, Davy Crockit came to mind with a smile as I drove through the wild frontier.
That was this morning, and that might be the last coherent thought I have had today. I am tired today… like really tired and it’s because of my cleaning escapades that I stayed up way too late. However, Kristi had a clean, Gail-approved room to welcome her to Saboba today. We picked her up from Tamale today. She is from Texas and will be here for six weeks as she completes her final rotation of  her final year of medical school. Exciting times for her.
We got caught in a rainstorm today on our way back from the hospital and were soaked to the bone by the time we reached the house. I stood out in it for a while again. It’s like I loose the capacity to maintain control of my actions when anything cool comes along. I see a freezer. Jump in. Cold glass bottle. Roll it on my face. Cool rains. Soak it up!
I am sorry things have been so dull these last two days. I need to revamp, which is why I am going to bed early. I have a reputation to maintain here people, and tiredness is not an option!
I am off to dream of cool breezes and Davy Crockit.
Much love to you all.

1 comment:

  1. nikki! i love your stories! keep up the good work! you're awesome! love ya! and we'll be on the same continent in 3 days!!!!!!!
