Saturday, February 19, 2011

Getcha Fizz On

It finally happened.
I opened my bottle of pepto bismol tablets. More so for preventative measures than anything. We need all systems up to speed because I do not have the time or patience to be sick. I have been so exhausted lately and haven’t felt quite 100% these past few days.
Nothing to worry about though! I am living with an amazing doctor with an encyclopedia for a brain. I will be just fineJ
In other news, I experienced extreme disappointment today. I thought I was going to see a skin graft third-world-hospital style, and because a few nurses did not follow Dr. Jean’s orders for dressing the wound, this gentleman will have to wait two more weeks for the skin graft.
However, let’s not overlook the wow factor of a monstrous open wound! One covers the top of his foot, completely exposing his tendons, which unfortunately now are dead, and one on the inside of his ankle. Dr. Jean pulled the dead tendons off and cleaned it out using hydrogen peroxide and sugar. Ever since I was young, I have been captivated by the foamy fizzing power of hydrogen peroxide. I loved when my brothers had cuts so I could dump H202 on them and watch it fizz, so this today, was like Christmas.
It grieves me to tell you I left my camera, for the first time, at the house today.  
They say hydrogen peroxide shouldn’t be used now for reasons I do not know, but it’s cheap and effective, so that’s what is used here. And besides, who is “they?” I bet if they watched it fizz, “they” would change their mind.
Today I taught the OR boys the grand game of Chinese numbers. It was absolutely hilarious. If you are not familiar with this game, know that I do not want to tell you, but I’m going to so you can properly appreciate this story.
You take any object-pens, butter knives, markers, whatever you can find- and arrange them in a random order or design. Today I used five packages of butterfly needles because that is all I could find. Resourceful eh?  I arranged them randomly, and told them that this highly sophisticated design symbolized a specific number 1-10. What number is it? They looked down at the packets of butterfly needles strewn about, looked back at me, and looked down again. My friend Moses after a few moments of silence says, “I don’t think I understand.” So funny. I told him to look closely because the answer was right in front of his face.
The number was 2.
Some of them are still trying to figure out. Moses and Solo got it, and now you too will know. It was 2 because that’s how many fingers I was discretely setting on the tableJ
When Dr. Nick and Bryn were here, we taught them rock, paper, scissors, which they now call “stone, paper, scissors.” They are so great. We have so much fun together.
So, phase 2 of my Ghana trip will begin tomorrow. I will be away from Saboba for 2 weeks, which is bittersweet as I will not see Jonah and Aggie, be able to help Trinity with her math, the OR boys, Mr. Seko who waves at me from his bike shop, or baby Precious.
I forgot to introduce Mr. Seko! Jonah introduced us shortly after I arrived. He is from Nigeria and owns a bicycle part shop here. He is very kind and friendly, and my favorite thing about him is that he always calls my name and waves with his whole arm from his shop whenever I walk by. It’s really wonderful.
Anyway, I will miss Saboba, but I will return soon enough. I don’t know who Joe is going to manage not seeing me everyday… Just teasin;)  
We will leave when Dr. Jean is done with rounds and ties things up. Her leaving Saboba is the equivalent of Vanna White leaving Wheel of Fortune… actually it’s more like pulling the drain in a bathtub full of water. She does everything here, but she needs a break. I hope and pray she will get rest and experience an infusion of hope. We will go to Damongo to stay with friends of theirs. The Young’s used to live there for about 5 years, so this is a place they dearly love. We will go to Mole Monday I believe where I desperately want to see a Lion King array of animals and SWIM in cool water!!! They have a pool at the hotel there, and I am flinging myself into it as soon as I am able.
I’m not getting out until I am beyond prune-y.

It is Senior Night at Carroll College this evening, and I would like to wish Sara and Cassie congratulations! Love you both so much and am so proud of who you are and what you have accomplished.
Wait a minute… this also means it was exactly a year ago I played my last game at my beloved Carroll. I just realized this. This cannot be!

I will see you in Damongo, my friends.  

May God give you rest from your daily grind and an infusion of hope as well.

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